
Combatting Child Labor Exploitation in Addis Ababa and Amhara Regions of Ethiopia



2024 – 2028

Our partner

Our partner

Hiwot Integrated Development Organization (HIDO)

This project is designed with the goal of contributing to the reduction in the prevalence and scope of child labor in five sub cities in Addis Ababa and three towns in Amhara region by addressing the root causes of the exploitive child labor problem.

The 2015 Ethiopia National Child Labor Survey issued in a report by ILO in April 2018 showed that 42.7% of all Ethiopian children between the ages of 5 and 17 were engaged in some form of child labor. According to the ILO, child labor is work that threatens or impairs children’s wellbeing (physical, social, and mental) and hinders their education, development, and future livelihoods. Child labor is a rampant problem across Ethiopia. This project is designed to address this pervasive problem which is a threat to children’s wellbeing and to the development of the nation. The project has the following specific objectives:

  1. To improve personal resilience, access to well-being services and well-functioning justice systems among children who are vulnerable to (at risk of/potential victims of) child labor exploitation.
  2. To reintegrate children who are victims of child labor exploitation into families and society.
  3. To strengthen the capacity and raise awareness of families and communities to prevent exploitative child labor.
  4. To strengthen the capacity of child protection and law enforcement actors (government, law enforcement & judicial actors, and civil society) and enable them to to implement efforts to prevent, identify and address exploitative child labor, thereby protecting children who are vulnerable to and victims of child labor exploitation.

The project shall have the following three components:

  • Prevention: reach out to potential victims, raise awareness regarding rights, and support and strengthen mechanisms to prevent exploitative labor.
  • Restoration: rescue victims, provide safety and shelter during rehabilitation and reintegrate them into families and society.
  • Capacity Strengthening: train and guide the communities, government, civil society, law enforcement and judicial actors to strengthen the child protection system.

The implementing partner HIDO shall implement the project by working closely and in collaboration with the relevant governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. The project is expected to be implemented for four years in Addis Ababa and Amhara Regions of Ethiopia.

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Kontoinhaber: Deutsches Zentrum für Evaluation und Entwicklung
Bank: BW Bank
IBAN: DE35 6005 0101 0405 6147 23

Account holder: Schweizerisches Zentrum für Evaluation und Entwicklung gemeinnützige GmbH
Bank: St.Galler Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH85 0078 1622 4523 1200 0

Contact us to find out more about our projects, partnerships and collaboration opportunities.

Your contacts:
Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich | Founder & Managing Director of C4ED,
Dr. Uwe Rudolf Eschner-Schoenfeld | Head of Project Development and Marketing,


Combating Child Labor Exploitation in Addis Ababa and Amhara Regions of Ethiopia

Our Local Partner

Hiwot Integrated Development Organization (HIDO)


Addis Ababa and Amhara Regions of Ethiopia

Beneficiary Groups

1. Vulnerable children
2. Children who are victims of labor exploitation
3. Families and communities
4. Government, judicial actors, and civil society

What we do

The Center for Evaluation and Development is a non-profit organization and registered charity that provides evidence on what works, for whom, when, why and under which circumstances in the development sector.

Improving lives through effective development solutions.